The Binding of Isaac: Antibirth Wiki
The Siren
Boss The Siren
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The Siren is one of the bosses that can appear in Mausoleum.


  • Creates a large red aura around herself, then begins to fire rings of bullets which have openings in Isaac's direction. These bullets split when they exit the aura.
  • Sings, charming your familiars and turning them against you. You can cancel this by attacking them.
  • Fires music notes in random directions, which at first travel in a straight line away from her, but then begin to curve ether to the left or right.


  • Her ability to charm your familiars can be a real annoyance if you've got the Dead Cat, because if you kill her while she controls it she'll revive with full health, stealing one life of the dead cat in the process.
  • After the battle is over, The Siren's skull will lie on the floor. Breaking the skull will unlock the Song of the Siren.



  • Sirens are monsters found mostly in Greek mythology, and are usually portrayed as women with the bodies of birds. They would roost near shallow rocks and sing their hypnotizing song, trying to lure sailors to their doom.
  • Her "ring" attack in which tears emit from her and split once far away is almost identical to that of the Gorgun's, a boss from the game Enter the Gungeon.


Bosses Boss Baby Plum
Rebirth Chapters Baby PlumReap CreepThe Pile
Downpour BeelzeblubThe RainmakerWormwood
Mines Great GideonHornfelTuff Twins
Mausoleum Mausoleum MomThe HereticThe SirenThe Visage
Corpse ChimeraRotgutThe ScourgeThe Witness

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