The Binding of Isaac: Antibirth Wiki
Terra Icon
Character Appearance
Terra App
Tear Appearance
Rock Tear
Item Type
Passive Collectible
Item ID
Pickup Quote
Born to rock
Item Pool

Terra is a passive item.

Effects[ | ]

  • Isaac's tears become rocks and gain extra knockback.
  • Rock tears can destroy obstacles such as rocks and blue/purple fires which can normally only be destroyed by explosions.
  • Rock tears have a damage increase with a minor random increase/decrease in the amount increased being different per tear.

Notes[ | ]

  • Rock tears allow Isaac to hurt Tuff Twins directly.
  • The Rock tears are also able to counter the damage resistance of Blasters.
  • Spectral tears make it harder to destroy rocks; such objects are only destroyed at the max range of the tears. Piercing and blue/purple fires are not affected in the same way.
  • Damage increase from the tear effect cannot be seen on the hud.

Interactions[ | ]

In-game Footage[ | ]

Sacdag Antibirth Sacdag

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