- 'M
- 120 Volt
- 2Spooky
- A Bar Of Soap
- Act Of Contrition
- Adult Leech
- Akeldama
- Alabaster Box
- Almond Milk
- Apple of Sodom
- Baby
- Baby Plum
- Battery Pack
- Beelzeblub
- Beth's Faith
- Bethany
- Bird's Eye
- Bird Cage
- Birthright
- Bishop
- Black Mushroom
- Blaster
- Blessed Penny
- Blood Bombs
- Blood Oath
- Bloody Mary
- Boil
- Boiled Baby
- Bony
- Book Of Despair
- Book Of Virtues
- Booster Pack
- Bosses
- Bot Fly
- Bowl of Tears
- Brain Worm
- Broken Padlock
- Broken Syringe
- Candler
- Challenges
- Changes
- Chapters
- Characters
- Chewed Pen
- Chimera
- Clotty
- Cohort
- Coil
- Collection Page
- Consolation Prize
- Corpse
- Corpse Eater
- Curse of the Giant
- D12
- Damocles
- Death's Head
- Devil's Crown
- Dip
- Dirty Mind
- Donkey Jawbone
- Double Baby
- Downpour
- Dumpling
- Edith
- Electric Penny
- Enigma Bombs
- Eraser
- Eternal D6
- Evil Charm
- Exploded Firecracker
- Eye Drops
- Eye Of The Occult
- Eye Sore
- Fatty
- Fly
- Fortune Cookie
- Free Lemonade
- Freezer Baby
- Gaper
- Gasbag
- Giant Bean
- Globin
- Great Gideon
- Grimace
- Guts
- Gyro
- Horf
- Hornfel
- Host
- Immaculate Heart
- Isaac's Awakening
- It Hurts
- Items
- Jacob's Ladder
- Jacob & Esau
- Jawbreaker
- Knife Pieces
- Knight
- Knockout Drops
- Lighter
- Lil' Dumpy
- Lodestone
- Lost Soul
- Luna
- Magic Skin
- Mars
- Mausoleum
- Meat Cleaver
- Mega Mush
- Member Card
- Menorah
- Mercurius
- Mines
- Mole
- Mom
- Mom's Bracelet
- Monsters
- Monstrance
- Mucormycosis
- Mulligan
- Music
- Myosotis
- Necromancer
- Nightwatch
- Objects
- Oculus Rift
- Old Capacitor
- One Tooth
- Orphan Socks
- Paschal Candle
- Perfection
- Pickups
- Pickups (Unused)
- Pill Crusher
- Planetarium
- Planetarium (Antibirth Item Pool)
- Playdoh Cookie
- Pluto
- Polty
- Psy Fly
- R Key
- Reap Creep
- Red Key
- Red Stew
- Revelation
- Rock Bottom
- Rocket In A Jar
- Rotgut
- Rotten Tomato
- Salt Shaker
- Saturnus
- Sausage
- Scat Man
- Schoolbag
- Screamer
- Sharp Key
- Shop (Antibirth Item Pool)
- Small Leech
- Small Maggot
- Sol
- Song of the Siren
- Soul Baby
- Special Seeds
- Spider
- Spikeball
- Spirit Sword
- Stillborn
- Stitches
- Stone Bombs
- Sulfur
- Teardrop Charm
- Terra
- The Binding of Isaac: Antibirth Wiki
- The Binding of Isaac: Antibirth Wiki:Admin noticeboard
- The Binding of Isaac: Antibirth Wiki:Sandbox
- The Heretic
- The Intruder
- The Pile
- The Rainmaker
- The Scooper
- The Scourge
- The Siren
- The Visage
- The Witness
- Tinytoma
- Tips/Jacob & Esau
- Treasure Room (Antibirth Item Pool)
- Trinkets
- Tuff Twins
- Turbo!
- Unborn
- Unlockables
- Uranus
- Urn of Souls
- Venus
- Vis
- Voodoo Head
- Voodoo Pin
- Whipper
- Worm
- Wormwood
- Yuck Heart