The Binding of Isaac: Antibirth Wiki

For changes to Rebirth items, see Changes.

Items are an integral part of game-play in The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth. They modify Isaac's Attributes, grant or modify Tear Effects, and much more. Antibirth adds over 90 new items.

Active Items[ | ]

Name Icon Description Recharge
Alabaster BoxAlabaster Box IconGains charges through soul, black, and white hearts. After 6 full hearts are absorbed, it will spawn varying amounts of consumables and items from the Angel room pool.One time use, 12 charges to use
Black MushroomBlack Mushroom IconReduces tear delay but distorts the screen for a length of time. Can be used multiple times to stack the effect. Tear delay is reset on changing rooms; however, the distortion persists.1 second
Book Of DespairBook Of Despair IconHalves tear delay for the current room.3
Book Of VirtuesBook Of Virtues IconSummons a temporary flame familiar that fires spectral tears, deal contact damage to enemies and blocks enemy shots. Flames are consumed after taking a certain amount of damage or touching enemies. A maximum of 16 flames can be active at once: one inner ring of eight and an outer ring of eight.2
Bowl of TearsBowl of Tears IconFires a cluster of tears. Each tear shot by Isaac increases item charge by one.6
D12D12 Antibirth IconRe-rolls all rocks in the current room into other random objects, such as bomb rocks, metal blocks, TNT, or poop.3
DamoclesDamocles IconSpawns a sword above Isaac's head, which doubles all item pedestals while it remains. After Isaac takes damage, the sword can randomly fall at any point, instantly killing him.One time use
EraserEraser IconThrows an eraser which instantly kills the first enemy it hits, also killing all other copies in the room. If it hits a non-boss, prevents them from spawning for the rest of the run.One time use
Eternal D6Eternal D6 IconRerolls all items in the room. Each item has a chance to disappear instead.3
Fortune CookieFortune Cookie IconDisplays a random fortune, and has a chance to drop a soul heart, card, rune or trinket.2
Free LemonadeFree Lemonade IconCreates a large puddle of lemonade that damages enemies.4
Magic SkinMagic Skin IconGenerates one item from the current room's item pool and gives Isaac a broken heart, which permanently decreases the maximum health limit.6
Meat CleaverMeat Cleaver IconSplits all enemies in a room into 2 smaller versions of themselves with lower health.2
Mega MushMega Mush IconGigantifies Isaac, increasing damage and range while lowering tears, granting invulnerability, and allowing Isaac to crush enemies and obstacles he walks on. The effect persists between rooms.12
Mom's BraceletMom's Bracelet IconAllows Isaac to grab obstacles and throw them, damaging enemies.1 second
R KeyR Key IconUpon use, restarts the game to the first floor, keeping all previously collected items. Game timer does not restart. Allows angels rooms to be found even if the previous run included devil deals.One time use
Red KeyRed Key IconCreates a red colored room on the map near Isaac's current position. The room can be anything from a regular encounter room to a Devil Room.3
The ScooperThe Scooper IconSummons a Peeper familiar for the current room, which leaves a trail of red creep.3
Sharp KeySharp Key IconAllows Isaac to consume keys and fire them at enemies. Adds 5 keys.0
StitchesStitches IconSpawns a familiar that flies diagonally across the room, switching direction upon hitting walls. Activating the item swaps the positions of Isaac and Stitches.3 seconds
SulfurSulfur IconGrants Brimstone for the current room.3
Voodoo PinVoodoo Pin IconHurts Isaac without actually damaging him, activating any items that would trigger upon taking damage.2
Yuck HeartYuck Heart IconUpon use, grants a rotten heart.4

Upcoming[ | ]

Pill CrusherPill Crusher IconGives a pill, increase pill drop rate when held and consumes Isaac's held pill when used, applying its effects to the entire room.0

Passive Collectibles[ | ]

Name Icon Description
120 Volt120 Volt IconWhenever an enemy is shot, it will zap other enemies near them, dealing damage.
2Spooky2Spooky IconEnemies near Isaac will be inflicted with Fear, causing them to flee from him.
A Bar Of SoapA Bar Of Soap IconIncreases tears and shot speed.
Act Of ContritionAct Of Contrition IconGrants an Immortal Heart and increases tears. Angel Rooms can appear even if a Devil deal has been taken.
AkeldamaAkeldama IconWhile in an uncleared room, Isaac forms trails of bloody tears that drag behind him, bursting and dealing damage upon contact with enemies.
Almond MilkAlmond Milk IconUpgrades fire rate immensely but significantly decreases damage, and tears are given random worm effects.
Battery PackBattery Pack IconRecharges Isaac's currently held active item and drops 2-4 batteries.
Bird CageBird Cage IconThe first time Isaac takes damage in a room, the familiar leaps on an enemy, dealing damage and releasing a rock wave. For the rest of the room, it chases enemies similar to Dead Bird.
Bird's EyeBird's Eye IconAdds a chance to shoot a fire instead of a tear, which pierces and can block enemy shots, diminishing in size as it does.
BirthrightBirthright IconHas a different effect for each character.
Blood BombsBlood Bombs IconGrants 1 heart container. Bombs create puddles of damaging red creep upon exploding. If Isaac has no bombs, bombs can be placed at the cost of half a heart.
Blood OathBlood Oath IconStabs Isaac at the beginning of each floor, draining all but half a heart of his red hearts. Increases damage and speed for the floor based on the amount drained.
Boiled BabyBoiled Baby IconGrants a familiar similar to a Boil that periodically fires bursts of bullets.
Booster PackBooster Pack IconSpawns 3 tarot cards.
Bot FlyBot Fly IconGrants a familiar that fires shielded tears at incoming bullets.
Consolation PrizeConsolation Prize IconIncreases Isaac's lowest stat and grants either 3 coins, 1 bomb, or 1 key depending on what Isaac has the least of.
Dirty MindDirty Mind IconDestroying poop spawns friendly Dips that follow Isaac and damage enemies. Destroying different types of poop spawns different Dips with special effects.
Donkey JawboneDonkey Jawbone IconIsaac does a spin attack that damages nearby enemies whenever he takes damage. Killed enemies have a chance to drop a red heart.
Enigma BombsEnigma Bombs IconGrants 5 bombs. Bombs explode with a random bomb effect.
Evil CharmEvil Charm IconGrants +3 luck.
Eye DropsEye Drops IconLowers the tear delay in Isaac's left eye, causing his eyes to fire at different rates.
Eye Of The OccultEye Of The Occult IconIncreases damage. Tears can be controlled mid-flight using the fire keys.
Eye SoreEye Sore IconFrequently fire tears in random directions in addition to regular tears. Can fire up to three extra tears.
Freezer BabyFreezer Baby IconGrants a familiar that fires shots that freeze enemies. Frozen enemies explode into ice shards when touched.
Immaculate HeartImmaculate Heart IconAdds a heart container and increases damage. Isaac fires spectral orbiting tears alongside normal tears.
The IntruderThe Intruder IconA familiar burrows in Isaac's head, firing 4 slowing tears. Upon taking damage, there's a chance it will burst out of Isaac's head, spawning blue spiders and chasing enemies for the current room.
It HurtsIt Hurts IconTaking damage causes Isaac to release a ring of bloody tears and increases fire rate for current room.
Jacob's LadderJacob's Ladder IconGenerates a ladder in the starting room of all future floors, which leads to a special Angel Room.
Knife Piece 1Knife Piece 1 IconHas no effect on its own. Picking up all three pieces grants a knife familiar that damages enemies and grants access to the Corpse.
Knife Piece 2Knife Piece 2 IconHas no effect on its own. Picking up all three pieces grants a knife familiar that damages enemies and grants access to the Corpse.
Knife Piece 3Knife Piece 3 IconHas no effect on its own. Picking up all three pieces grants a knife familiar that damages enemies and grants access to the Corpse.
Knockout DropsKnockout Drops IconAdds a chance to fire fist tears, which have massive knockback and briefly stun enemies.
Lil' DumpyLil' Dumpy IconGrants a familiar that loosely follows Isaac. It farts when hit by enemy attacks, poisoning or stunning enemies and sending it bouncing away.
LodestoneLodestone IconAdds a chance to fire magnetizing tears. Magnetized enemies attract other enemies, Isaac's tears, and enemy shots including their own.
Lost SoulLost Soul IconSpawns a Lost familiar that follows Isaac. It dies if hit by an enemy, regenerating on the next floor. If it survives an entire floor, it grants a random reward.
LunaLuna IconAdds one extra Secret Room and one Super Secret Room on each floor.
MarsMars IconCharge in a direction by double-tapping the movement key, becoming invulnerable and damaging enemies. There's a short cooldown before Isaac can dash again.
Member CardMember Card IconOpens a trapdoor with a ladder in every shop. The trapdoor leads to a special shop room, which sells multiple items or pickups for random prices. Sold collectibles don't have to be from the Shop pool.
MenorahMenorah IconSpawns a familiar that grants an extra tear per shot for each lit candle. A candle is lit each time Isaac takes damage, up to 7. Being hit again will reset the menorah and release blue flames.
MercuriusMercurius IconDoors stay open after entering a room, even with enemies in it, allowing Isaac to leave any time. Increases speed.
MonstranceMonstrance IconIsaac emits an aura that damages nearby enemies.
MucormycosisMucormycosis IconEnemies release a cloud of gas upon death that damages and poisons other enemies.
Oculus RiftOculus Rift IconAdds a chance to fire tears that summon rifts wherever they land. Rifts attract enemies, enemy shots, Isaac's tears, and pickups. They also deal contact damage to enemies caught in them.
Orphan SocksOrphan Socks IconGrants +0.15 Speed and two Soul Hearts. Isaac can walk on harmful floor effects without taking damage.
Paschal CandlePaschal Candle IconIncreases tears for each room completed without taking damage. Resets on taking damage.
Playdoh CookiePlaydoh Cookie IconGrants multicolored tears, which can be normal, petrifying, homing, poisoning, or fear-inducing based on their color.
PlutoPluto IconSignificantly shrinks Isaac, allowing him to squeeze between objects and making some enemy shots pass over him. Increases tears and speed, but decreases range.
Psy FlyPsy Fly IconCatches enemy shots and flings them back at enemies as homing tears.
Red StewRed Stew IconRestores all red heart containers. Grants an enormous damage boost that wears off over time.
RevelationRevelation IconAdds 2 Immortal Hearts, grants flight, gives tears a Brain Worm-like homing effect, decreases range and increases shot speed.
Rock BottomRock Bottom IconLowers all stats to their base value. Prevents stats from being lowered the rest of the run.
Rocket In A JarRocket In A Jar IconGrants 5 bombs. Bombs become rockets that fly in the direction Isaac is currently looking.
Rotten TomatoRotten Tomato IconTears have a chance to mark enemies. Marked enemies will be attacked by other enemies.
SaturnusSaturnus IconIsaac is surrounded by an aura which has a chance to absorb incoming enemy tears. It begins with 7 orbiting tears when entering a new room.
SausageSausage IconAll stats up.
SchoolbagSchoolbag IconGrants an extra active item slot.
SolSol IconReveals the location of the Boss room. Upon defeating a boss, activates XIX - The Sun, fully recharges Isaac's active item, and grants bonus damage and luck for the rest of the floor.
Spirit SwordSpirit Sword IconInstead of tears, Isaac swings a sword. Charging does a spin attack and fires a projectile, and a projectile is fired with every swing if Isaac has no empty red hearts.
Stone BombsStone Bombs IconGrants 5 bombs. Bombs release rock waves in the cardinal directions, which can damage enemies, destroy obstacles, and damage Isaac.
TerraTerra IconIsaac's tears become rocks that have increased knockback and deal variable damage, and have a high chance to destroy obstacles.
TinytomaTinytoma IconA large familiar slowly orbits Isaac. Upon taking enough damage, it splits into two smaller orbitals. If they take enough damage, they burst into blue spiders and the large orbital respawns.
UranusUranus IconIsaac shoots ice tears, which freeze enemies they kill. Frozen enemies slide away and explode into ice shards when touched.
VenusVenus IconAdds one Red heart. Enemies near Isaac are Charmed, causing them to attack other enemies.
Voodoo HeadVoodoo Head IconAdditional curse rooms can spawn each floor.

Sacdag Antibirth Sacdag

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