Name |
Icon |
Description |
120 Volt | | Whenever an enemy is shot, it will zap other enemies near them, dealing damage. |
2Spooky | | Enemies near Isaac will be inflicted with Fear, causing them to flee from him. |
A Bar Of Soap | | Increases tears and shot speed. |
Act Of Contrition | | Grants an Immortal Heart and increases tears. Angel Rooms can appear even if a Devil deal has been taken. |
Akeldama | | While in an uncleared room, Isaac forms trails of bloody tears that drag behind him, bursting and dealing damage upon contact with enemies. |
Almond Milk | | Upgrades fire rate immensely but significantly decreases damage, and tears are given random worm effects. |
Battery Pack | | Recharges Isaac's currently held active item and drops 2-4 batteries. |
Bird Cage | | The first time Isaac takes damage in a room, the familiar leaps on an enemy, dealing damage and releasing a rock wave. For the rest of the room, it chases enemies similar to Dead Bird. |
Bird's Eye | | Adds a chance to shoot a fire instead of a tear, which pierces and can block enemy shots, diminishing in size as it does. |
Birthright | | Has a different effect for each character. |
Blood Bombs | | Grants 1 heart container. Bombs create puddles of damaging red creep upon exploding. If Isaac has no bombs, bombs can be placed at the cost of half a heart. |
Blood Oath | | Stabs Isaac at the beginning of each floor, draining all but half a heart of his red hearts. Increases damage and speed for the floor based on the amount drained. |
Boiled Baby | | Grants a familiar similar to a Boil that periodically fires bursts of bullets. |
Booster Pack | | Spawns 3 tarot cards. |
Bot Fly | | Grants a familiar that fires shielded tears at incoming bullets. |
Consolation Prize | | Increases Isaac's lowest stat and grants either 3 coins, 1 bomb, or 1 key depending on what Isaac has the least of. |
Dirty Mind | | Destroying poop spawns friendly Dips that follow Isaac and damage enemies. Destroying different types of poop spawns different Dips with special effects. |
Donkey Jawbone | | Isaac does a spin attack that damages nearby enemies whenever he takes damage. Killed enemies have a chance to drop a red heart. |
Enigma Bombs | | Grants 5 bombs. Bombs explode with a random bomb effect. |
Evil Charm | | Grants +3 luck. |
Eye Drops | | Lowers the tear delay in Isaac's left eye, causing his eyes to fire at different rates. |
Eye Of The Occult | | Increases damage. Tears can be controlled mid-flight using the fire keys. |
Eye Sore | | Frequently fire tears in random directions in addition to regular tears. Can fire up to three extra tears. |
Freezer Baby | | Grants a familiar that fires shots that freeze enemies. Frozen enemies explode into ice shards when touched. |
Immaculate Heart | | Adds a heart container and increases damage. Isaac fires spectral orbiting tears alongside normal tears. |
The Intruder | | A familiar burrows in Isaac's head, firing 4 slowing tears. Upon taking damage, there's a chance it will burst out of Isaac's head, spawning blue spiders and chasing enemies for the current room. |
It Hurts | | Taking damage causes Isaac to release a ring of bloody tears and increases fire rate for current room. |
Jacob's Ladder | | Generates a ladder in the starting room of all future floors, which leads to a special Angel Room. |
Knife Piece 1 | | Has no effect on its own. Picking up all three pieces grants a knife familiar that damages enemies and grants access to the Corpse. |
Knife Piece 2 | | Has no effect on its own. Picking up all three pieces grants a knife familiar that damages enemies and grants access to the Corpse. |
Knife Piece 3 | | Has no effect on its own. Picking up all three pieces grants a knife familiar that damages enemies and grants access to the Corpse. |
Knockout Drops | | Adds a chance to fire fist tears, which have massive knockback and briefly stun enemies. |
Lil' Dumpy | | Grants a familiar that loosely follows Isaac. It farts when hit by enemy attacks, poisoning or stunning enemies and sending it bouncing away. |
Lodestone | | Adds a chance to fire magnetizing tears. Magnetized enemies attract other enemies, Isaac's tears, and enemy shots including their own. |
Lost Soul | | Spawns a Lost familiar that follows Isaac. It dies if hit by an enemy, regenerating on the next floor. If it survives an entire floor, it grants a random reward. |
Luna | | Adds one extra Secret Room and one Super Secret Room on each floor. |
Mars | | Charge in a direction by double-tapping the movement key, becoming invulnerable and damaging enemies. There's a short cooldown before Isaac can dash again. |
Member Card | | Opens a trapdoor with a ladder in every shop. The trapdoor leads to a special shop room, which sells multiple items or pickups for random prices. Sold collectibles don't have to be from the Shop pool. |
Menorah | | Spawns a familiar that grants an extra tear per shot for each lit candle. A candle is lit each time Isaac takes damage, up to 7. Being hit again will reset the menorah and release blue flames. |
Mercurius | | Doors stay open after entering a room, even with enemies in it, allowing Isaac to leave any time. Increases speed. |
Monstrance | | Isaac emits an aura that damages nearby enemies. |
Mucormycosis | | Enemies release a cloud of gas upon death that damages and poisons other enemies. |
Oculus Rift | | Adds a chance to fire tears that summon rifts wherever they land. Rifts attract enemies, enemy shots, Isaac's tears, and pickups. They also deal contact damage to enemies caught in them. |
Orphan Socks | | Grants +0.15 Speed and two Soul Hearts. Isaac can walk on harmful floor effects without taking damage. |
Paschal Candle | | Increases tears for each room completed without taking damage. Resets on taking damage. |
Playdoh Cookie | | Grants multicolored tears, which can be normal, petrifying, homing, poisoning, or fear-inducing based on their color. |
Pluto | | Significantly shrinks Isaac, allowing him to squeeze between objects and making some enemy shots pass over him. Increases tears and speed, but decreases range. |
Psy Fly | | Catches enemy shots and flings them back at enemies as homing tears. |
Red Stew | | Restores all red heart containers. Grants an enormous damage boost that wears off over time. |
Revelation | | Adds 2 Immortal Hearts, grants flight, gives tears a Brain Worm-like homing effect, decreases range and increases shot speed. |
Rock Bottom | | Lowers all stats to their base value. Prevents stats from being lowered the rest of the run. |
Rocket In A Jar | | Grants 5 bombs. Bombs become rockets that fly in the direction Isaac is currently looking. |
Rotten Tomato | | Tears have a chance to mark enemies. Marked enemies will be attacked by other enemies. |
Saturnus | | Isaac is surrounded by an aura which has a chance to absorb incoming enemy tears. It begins with 7 orbiting tears when entering a new room. |
Sausage | | All stats up. |
Schoolbag | | Grants an extra active item slot. |
Sol | | Reveals the location of the Boss room. Upon defeating a boss, activates XIX - The Sun, fully recharges Isaac's active item, and grants bonus damage and luck for the rest of the floor. |
Spirit Sword | | Instead of tears, Isaac swings a sword. Charging does a spin attack and fires a projectile, and a projectile is fired with every swing if Isaac has no empty red hearts. |
Stone Bombs | | Grants 5 bombs. Bombs release rock waves in the cardinal directions, which can damage enemies, destroy obstacles, and damage Isaac. |
Terra | | Isaac's tears become rocks that have increased knockback and deal variable damage, and have a high chance to destroy obstacles. |
Tinytoma | | A large familiar slowly orbits Isaac. Upon taking enough damage, it splits into two smaller orbitals. If they take enough damage, they burst into blue spiders and the large orbital respawns. |
Uranus | | Isaac shoots ice tears, which freeze enemies they kill. Frozen enemies slide away and explode into ice shards when touched. |
Venus | | Adds one Red heart. Enemies near Isaac are Charmed, causing them to attack other enemies. |
Voodoo Head | | Additional curse rooms can spawn each floor. |